Love is Rare
Permit me to introduce myself, dear, oh dear friend,
I’m just a humble woman
Feeling like a wounded rose
A rose whose thorns have fallen
Onto the crumbling stems

I’m just a humble human
Whose yearning wish to be loved
Remains nothing but an unfulfilled dream.
A dream whose hopes have evaporated
Into the vanishing years

I’m just a humble wife
Who craves the essence of love
Who yearns to be needed again
‘Tis a dream, but only a dream
...of yesteryear’s echo...

I’m just a humble mother
I’m like a gravely wounded sparrow
Whose chirping stopped
A long, long time ago

I’m just a humble person
Whose tears I cannot stop
What am I going through or why?
I’ll never comprehend.
The pain is too hard to bear
I wish it’d stop...

I’m just a humble friend,
A friend who’s never called,
I’ve lost the cord of friendships
The friendships that never were
One phone call is all I need
Who cares for me just now?
One thought of warmth and care
But the phone’s bells are bare...

I’m just a human being, living life
Whose sadness overflooded
The hopes I had for all future dreams
Are ashes scattered in the wind...
:: Gabriella Namian

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